Category Archives: Latest News


味来开放加盟中!现已在马来西亚有四间门店。赶紧进军餐饮业!把握味来,创造未来! [...]

开店喜报 | 味来第四分行吉隆坡站盛大开业,邀您吃‘煲’!

味来正式进军吉隆坡啦!带来一系列不能错过的开业优惠!走过路过,千万要进来坐坐! [...]

味来特色吃法【一煲两吃】体验双重风味 | 让你一次吃过瘾!

味来特色吃法——一煲两吃让你体验什么叫做双重风味的超劲享受! [...]

📢 Store Notice: Online Purchase May Be Affected

During this transition period, we want to inform you that there may be a temporary [...]

Exciting Changes Await: WEI LAI Spicy Hotpot Website Revamp

Our primary focus is to provide you with a seamless and user-friendly browsing experience. With [...]

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